We at Audio Unlimited can transform your home into a model of convenience, safety and efficiency. No matter how sophisticated your system, you won’t need to understand it. You’ll only need to enjoy it. You’ll be able to control everything from lighting and temperature, to what DVD you are going to watch in your home theater…all from one location, either remotely, or from a touch screen inside any room in your home.
You have total control over everything that is heard and seen in every room in your home. Yes, we make it easy to control what the kids are watching on the plasma screen in their room upstairs, while you adjust the volume downstairs just before your guests arrive. And you’ll be able to select any song from any album you own, or any piece of programming in your library, via your media butler.
Our full home automation systems feature:
440 Winstom Road | Jonesville, NC 28642 | Office: 336.526.4010 | Fax: 888.972.0206 | Email: jeff@audiounlimited.com